How to Borrow

Procedure for Accessing Manuscripts

At, we strive to make accessing ancient Jain manuscripts simple. Follow these steps to view and borrow manuscripts:

  1. Browse Manuscripts

    Explore a wide selection of Digambar Jain manuscripts on our platform. You can view titles, summaries, languages and other details of the manuscript without registering.

  2. Register

    To read or borrow manuscripts, register on our website by clicking "LOGIN/SIGNUP" and filling out the required information.

    You'll receive a username and password via email immediately after registration.

    This is a one-time process.

  3. Login

    Use your credentials to log in and access the full manuscript collection.

  4. Borrow Manuscripts

    You can borrow up to 5 manuscripts (PDFs) for 2 months. They’ll be available in your account during this time.

  5. Shortlist for Future

    Save manuscripts for future reference by shortlisting them in your account.

  6. Return Manuscripts

    After 2 months, the borrowed manuscripts will be automatically removed from your account, and you can borrow new ones.

Enjoy exploring Jain literature through our seamless borrowing system!