manuscripts.vitragelibrary.org is an online resource dedicated to providing digital access to ancient Digambar Jain manuscripts. Our platform offers a wide selection of manuscripts in different languages for research and reference purposes.

Yes, you can browse and view manuscript details without registering. However, to access the full manuscripts in PDF format, you need to create an account.

To register, click on the "Register" button, complete the form with the required information, and submit it. Your username and password will be sent to your Gmail account immediately.

Yes, registration is only required once. After receiving your login credentials, you can use them anytime to access your account.

To log in, click on the "Login" button and enter the username and password sent to your Gmail account after registration.

You are allowed to borrow up to 5 manuscripts at a time. This limit ensures fair access for all users to the digital resources.

Each manuscript can be borrowed for 2 months. Once the borrowing period ends, access to the manuscript will be revoked, allowing you to borrow new ones.

No, downloads of manuscripts are not available on this website. You can only read and view the manuscripts online during the borrowing period.

No, manuscripts.vitragelibrary.org is a non-commercial platform. Both registration and borrowing manuscripts are completely free of charge.

For any support or inquiries, please visit the Contact Us page where you can submit your questions. The team will respond to you as soon as possible.

We hope these FAQs address your concerns. Feel free to reach out if you have more questions!